Research groups
Geophysics looks for quantitative answers to global issues, e.g. plate tectonics, the earth’s magnetic field and the occurrence and risk of earthquakes.
Research group websites
Earth and Planetary Magnetism
Prof. Andrew Jackson
Exploration and Environmental Geophysics
Prof. Johan Robertsson
Prof. Hansruedi Maurer
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Prof. Paul Tackley
Prof. Taras Gerya
Geothermal Energy and Geofluids
Prof. Martin Saar
Seismology and Geodynamics
Prof. Domenico Giardini
Seismology and Wave Physics
Prof. Andreas Fichtner
Swiss Seismological Service
Prof. Stefan Wiemer
Prof. Donat Fäh

Installation of a seismic station at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory by the Swiss Seismological Service in early 2014.